About Reykjavík City Museum

View from Öskjuhlíð on February 3rd 2022. Photo: Þórdís Erla Ágústsdóttir
At our venues, you will have the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of Reykjavík in a diverse and lively way. The museum carries out important research in the field of heritage preservation and manages cultural relics in Reykjavík.
About the Museum
The Reykjavík City Museum is run by is run by the City of Reykjavík.
Museum Staff
Museum Director
Guðbrandur Benediktsson | gudbrandur.benediktsson@reykjavik.is
Cultural Heritage and Research
Anna Lísa Guðmundsdóttir | Project Manager, Archaeology | anna.lisa.gudmundsdottir@reykjavik.is
Drífa Kristín Þrastardóttir | Project Manager, Built Heritage | drifa.kristin.thrastardottir@reykjavik.is
Gerður Róbertsdóttir | Project Manager, Collection | gerdur.robertsdottir@reykjavik.is
Gísli Helgason | Project Manager, Research and Documentation | gisli.helgason@reykjavik.is
Guðlaug Erna Jónsdóttir | Project Manager, Built Heritage | gudlaug.erna.jonsdottir@reykjavik.is
Ingibjörg Áskelsdóttir | Project Manager, Research and Conservation | ingibjorg.askelsdottir@reykjavik.is
Kristinn Erlendur Gunnarsson | Carpenter | kristinn.e.gunnarsson@reykjavik.is
Kristján Björn Ólafsson | Carpenter and Supervisor of Árbær Open Air Museum area | kristjan.b.olafsson@reykjavik.is
Margrét Björk Magnúsdóttir | Project Manager, Archaeology | margret.bjork.magnusdottir1@reykjavik.is
María Karen Sigurðardóttir | Head of Cultural Heritage and Research | maria.karen.sigurdardottir@reykjavik.is
Þorvaldur Gröndal | Project Manager, Collection | thorvaldur.grondal@reykjavik.is
Exhibitions, Museum Learning
Alma Sigrún Sigurgeirsdóttir | Project Manager, Environmental Education | alma.sigrun.sigurgeirsdottir@reykjavik.is
Birna María Ásgeirsdóttir | Project Manager, Community Projects and Museum Learning | birna.maria.asgeirsdottir@reykjavik.is
Helga Maureen Gylfadóttir | Head of Exhibitions, Museum Learning and Events | helga.maureen.gylfadottir@reykjavik.is
Hlín Gylfadóttir | Project Manager, Community Projects and Museum Learning | hlin.gylfadottir@reykjavik.is
Hróðný Kristínar | Project Manager, Professional Museum Learning | hrodny.kristinar.kristjansd@reykjavik.is
Íris Gyða Guðbjargardóttir | Project Manager, Exhibition and Research (On leave) | iris.gyda.gudbjargardottir@reykjavik.is
Jóhanna Guðrún Árnadóttir | Project Manager, Digital Media Content, Education and Exhibitions | johanna.gudrun.arnadottir@reykjavik.is
Jón Páll Björnsson | Project Manager, Children's Culture and Museum Learning | jon.pall.bjornsson@reykjavik.is
Ólafía Þyrí Hólm Guðjónsdóttir | Project Manager, Youth Culture and Museum Learning | olafia.thyri.holm.gudjonsdottir@reykjavik.is
Sigríður Kristín Birnudóttir | Project Manager, Photo and Exhibition Processing | sigridur.kristin.birnudottir@reykjavik.is
Sigríður Lína Daníelsdóttir|
Project Manager, Events and Social Media |
Finance, Operations and Customer Service
Björgvin Sigmar Bergsson | Supervisor of Guard Ship Óðinn | bjorgvin.sigmar.bergsson@reykjavik.is
Emil Hrafn Hildarson | Reception, Museum of Photography | emil.hrafn.hildarson@reykjavik.is
Guðmundur Davíð Hermannsson | Project Manager, supervisor of Maritime Museum and Viðey Island | gudmundur.david.hermannsson@reykjavik.is
Guðrún Helga Stefánsdóttir | Project Manager, Marketing and Public Relations | gudrun.helga.stefansdottir@reykjavik.is
Halldóra Björg Haraldsdóttir Evensen | Reception, Árbær Open Air Museum | halldora.bjorg.haraldsd.evensen@reykjavik.is
Hrönn Snæbjörnsdóttir | Project Manager, Operations and Customer Service | hronn.snaebjornsdottir@reykjavik.is
Kristín Hauksdóttir | Project Manager, Supervisor of Museum of Photography | kristin.hauksdottir@reykjavik.is
Ragnheiður Óladóttir | Reception, Museum of Photography | ragnheidur.oladottir@reykjavik.is
Ríkey Guðmundsdóttir Eydal | Reception, The Settlement Exhibition | rikey.gudmundsdottir.eydal@reykjavik.is
Sarka Wohlmuthova | Reception, Aðalstræti | sarka.wohlmuthova@reykjavik.is
Sigurlaugur Ingólfsson | Project Manager, Supervisor of Árbær Open Air Museum | sigurlaugur.ingolfsson@reykjavik.is
Sólveig Kristín Jónsdóttir | Reception, Reykjavík City Museum | solveig.kristin.jonsdottir@reykjavik.is
Stefnir Sveinsson | Reception, Museum Office | stefnir.sveinsson@reykjavik.is
Sveinn Haukur Valdimarsson | Reception, The Settlement Exhibition | sveinn.haukur.valdimarsson@reykjavik.is
Vala Magnúsdóttir | Head of Finance, Operations and Customer Service | vala.magnusdottir@reykjavik.is
Þórey Hlín Ö. Hlynsdóttir | Reception, The Settlement Exhibition | thorey.hlin.o.hlynsdottir@reykjavik.is
Þórunn Valdís Þórsdóttir | Reception, Maritime Museum | thorunn.valdis.thorsdottir@reykjavik.is
Reykjavík City Museum Policy 2023-2027
Reykjavík City Museum – Experience history!
Professional work is the basis of everything
Our essential emphasis is on professional scholarly work within each field, which establishes the conditions for mediating high-quality material to visitors.
Visitor experience is key
We emphasise presenting the results of professional work of various kinds in an interesting and vibrant manner.
Services to visitors
We strive to display care and a service mindset in order to support a positive visitor experience, and also in other services provided by the Reykjavík City Museum. Participation and inclusion are the watchwords of all the museum’s work.
United staff
We emphasise working together; although our roles are often different, we are all working for the shared goals of the Reykjavík City Museum.
Mission – Keywords
Professionalism – Visitor experience – Service – Teamwork
The Key to Success
1. Professional Work is the Foundation In accord with the museum‘s role, professional scholarly work, which entails collection, cataloguing, conservation and study of Reykjavik’s cultural objects and cultural heritage, is the foundation upon which its operations are based.
2. Visitor Experience is the Key Focus In accord with the museum’s role, emphasis is placed upon creating interesting experiences for visitors.
3. Special Character of the Individual Exhibition Sites The special character and focus of each of the Reykjavík City Museum’s exhibition sites are emphasised, which makes for diversity in mediation and in visitor experience.
4. Dialogue with Present and Future Visitors Emphasis is placed upon dialogue at all educational levels, not least with younger pupils, in order to establish at an early age interest in the value and pleasure of knowing about history.
5. Initiative Vis-à-Vis Specific Groups Emphasis is placed upon dialogue and measures to draw the attention of different groups to the Reykjavík City Museum, guided by the principle of meeting diverse interests and needs, and facilitating access in every way.
6. Relationship with Local Community Emphasis is placed upon visitors having an interesting experience, and hence on enhanced quality of life and wellbeing, by connecting the work of the Reykjavík City Museum with society as a whole.
7. Harmony with Professional Policies Emphasis is placed upon the museum being in step with the policy of the City of Reykjavik and with other Icelandic and international cultural policies, and using interfaces to enhance professional work and mediation to society.
8. Work with UN Sustainable Development Goals In accord with growing interest in, and importance of, social responsibility, emphasis is placed upon connecting the UN Sustainable Development Goals systematically with the work of the Reykjavík City Museum, and upon making this evident to society.
Social Media Code of Conduct
Our social media aims to engage our visitors and followers in conversations about everything related to the museum's activities. The museum's social media is an important platform for mutual learning and discussions about the history of Reykjavík and the museum's exhibitions, artifacts, and research. We welcome and encourage our followers to discuss and interact on our social media platforms concerning topics that relate to the museum. However, the views expressed by our followers are their own and do not reflect the opinions of the Reykjavík City Museum staff or its owner, the City of Reykjavík.
To ensure a positive experience, we ask everyone to respect these six house rules when joining our online community:
1. Privacy: Please avoid posting personal information. Any posts containing an email address, phone number, address, or other personal details will be removed. Please avoid posting photos of individuals without consent. Children enjoy special protection under the Personal Protection Act, so it is essential to obtain the consent of parents/guardians for such image postings.
2. Respectful Communication: Please refrain from posting offensive, hateful, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, or harassing content. Such posts will be removed and may result in a ban or block.
3. Topic: We welcome debate and discussion, but please keep comments relevant to the original post. Off-topic posts or comments may be removed without notice.
4. Intellectual Property: Only post content that is your original creation or that you have the lawful right to share. Any content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights will be removed, and you may be banned or blocked.
5. No Advertising: Avoid posting comments or content that serves as advertisements for yourself or others. Such content will be removed; if repeated, you may be banned or blocked.
6. Queries: We monitor our social media platforms year-round and strive to respond to queries promptly. However, we only reply during regular business hours: Monday through Friday, 09:00-16:00. If the issue is urgent, it is best to call the museum's main number, +354 411-6300.
Simple questions will be answered directly through the relevant social media. Still, more complex questions will be referred to the museum's primary email address. No formal handling of administrative matters concerning Reykjavík City takes place on social media. Such requests should be sent to abendingar.reykjavik.is.
If you have not received a response to your query within three working days or have questions about this code of conduct, please get in touch with citymuseum@reykjavik.is.