
Access at the Reykjavík City Museum
Reykjavík City Museum strives to ensure that access is good within all of the museum’s five sites and that exhibitions and events are accessible to everyone. This page contains general information on access as well as access for individuals and groups with special needs. Reykjavík City Museum is one museum with five locations. Our website is divided into five main sections, each dedicated to one of the five sites of the museum.

The Museum's entrance seen from the parking facilitiies

The Toilet Facilities in Landakot


The Museum shop in Aðalstræti 10.

The entrance of Aðalstræti 16

The bright corridor to Aðalstræti 10.

The entrance of Tryggvagata 15

Inside Grófarsalur exhibition space.

Lift near the entrance of the building.

Grófarsalur exhibition space.

The main entrance on Grandagarður

Museum shop

The lift on the left.

Viðey Island seen from Skarfabakki

Steps are on the ramp to facilitate walking and railings.

Toilets on Viðey Island