Caraway Seed har­vest­ing with an eth­no­lo­gist

Caraway Seed harvesting with an ethnologist

The Caraway Seeds on Viðey Island are ripe for picking, and you are invited for a memorable and educational harvesting trip. The ferry leaves from Skarfabakki at 18:00.

Once we are on shore, we will collect the caraway while being given detailed information about its uses and where it thrives by Björk Bjarnadóttir, an environmentalist and ethnologist. Bring a cloth bag, a small knife or a pair of scissors for this event. The walk will take 1,5-2 hours. After that, guests can return on the ferry when it suits them. Return ferry tickets to Viðey Island cost 2,300 ISK for adults. Students and children 7 – 17 years old pay 1,150 ISK. Tickets are free for children six years and under. Parents or guardians should accompany all children (max three children per adult). Those with a Reykjavík Culture Pass receive a 10% discount on ferry tickets, and holders of the Reykjavík City Card ( travel for free. Viðey Island is part of Reykjavík City Museum: One museum in five unique places.