Folk­lore and Plants with Björk Bjar­nadót­tir, eth­no­lo­gist.

Folklore and Plants with Björk Bjarnadóttir, ethnologist.

Join environmentalist and folklorist Björk Bjarnadóttir for a delightful nature walk on Viðey Island, where she will share captivating folk tales for the whole family.

Get ready for an interactive walking tour where we will examine the herbs on the island, learn their names, and delve into the folklore related to them. We will discuss their healing properties and observe the vibrant bird life on the island. Join us as we share fascinating legends about ocean creatures like mermen and mermaids, predict the origin of hidden people, and narrate a story about Chief Judge Magnús Stephensen and a fairy. We will also intertwine the island's rich history into the tour, making it a truly immersive experience. We urge you to bring books on plants and birds and magnifying glasses if you have them. The ferry sails from Skarfabakki on Saturday, August 17, at 13:15  and back at 15:30, or an hour later if you prefer. We recommend purchasing tickets on the Elding website in advance. See the link here for this event.